Friday, August 29, 2014

Hello everyone. Good day to all of you. This day I would like to share with you the proof of my earnings from a revenue sharing site. I know many of you out there are still hesitant to join in any online business. Whatever reason you may have today I would like to share the screenshots  of my transactions since I started the business. These screenshots are real. And I can assure you that they are all my personal transactions. I can guarantee that they are not copied from someone's blog. And if you have any questions you can email me or contact me with the number I provided.

The proof of earning below is the latest transfer of funds from my Paypal account to my bank account in Unionbank. I transferred 2,050.00 PHP. This is another blessing from God.

This screenshot is actually the email I have just received from Paypal notifying me that I have received an Echeck  from Bubblews. It has been stated that I will  be receiving the money in about 3 to 5  business days. Just check it out to see it yourself my +latest-earning-this-month.

September 5, this year I made a transaction. It is actually a transfer of funds from my Paypal account to my Bank account. You can check it by clicking the picture. 

The second screen shot is an email  I have received from Paypal confirming that I have received Payment from Bubblews. This is the latest payment I received from the site. You may click the picture for you to see it clearly. 

August 18, this year I have received an email from  Paypal notifying me that the payment from Bubblews is in progress. The amount was 57.67 USD. Just click the picture for you to see it clearly.

Another recent payment I received from Bubblews through Paypal. 

The third screenshot below is the notification of Paypal that they are transferring money to my bank account. I made this request last August 22, this year. 

More proofs of payment from I have is from the month of July transactions. Just see it for yourself, so that you will know that this sit is really paying its members. Last July 13, I received payment from Bubblews. It was sent instantly to my Paypal account. 

Last July 2, this year I received another payment from this revenue sharing site. I received the net amount of 54.83 USD into my personal Paypal account. This payment was sent through echeck and was cleared on July 8. On that same day I transferred it to my bank account. 

On June 19, this year I received payment from Bubblews. As you can see below it was sent as an echeck to my personal Paypal account. Few days after I transferred this amount to my eon bank account. 

On June 5, I received 53.67 USD from the site. It was the second payment I received from them. I was so excited that time since it was the second echeck I ever received from a revenue sharing site like Bubblews

The screenshot below shows the first payment  I received from Bubblews. I received the echeck of 52.11 USD. I was so happy to receive the first fruit of my labor as a blogger. It was a good experience I have with online.